Currently I am waiting for the remainder of my face to peel off, thanks to getting a Perfect Peel, but I wanted to show a few of my favorite things as of late!
It's no surprise that Witch Baby Soap would be in here. This is the Widow Body Oil and it smells divine. For a while, we had the matching bar of soap in the shower so everyone was smelling great! I wish I would have gotten the full size of this, but I have so many other oils to get through, it's smarter that I bought the half size.
Also, this past month, I actually dropped my phone into my pool while we were cleaning the leaves out of it, so I had to get a new one. So that means I got to get a new phone case! How amazing is this wood etched one from Engraver's Dungeon on Etsy? I am in love. It also arrived super fast!
Before November started, I had placed an order with Lush and finally decided to try the infamous Sleepy Body Lotion. They ended up delivering both my order and another woman's order to me, and it turns out, we had a lot of the same items in our packages! She also had this lotion, so now I have two. Which I am SO happy about. This lotion is AMAZING. It smells incredible and maybe it's a placebo effect, but I swear it helps me fall asleep.
And lastly, I really have been loving mustardy, grungy, kinda poopy colored eyeshadows lately! They really look great with my hair color and they're just so good and autumny and weird.
What have you been loving lately?